
  • Step into the immersive world of European room ambiences with ROOM TONES EUROPE. From bustling transportation hubs and malls to serene greenhouses and public libraries, this comprehensive library covers a wide range of scenarios, all delivered in fully surround sound with unparalleled precision and clarity.

    With over 98GB of meticulously categorized ambience recordings, ROOM TONES EUROPE offers versatility for any application. Whether you need subtle background noise or specific location sounds, this library has you covered.

    Ambiences play a crucial role in setting the mood of a scene, and ROOM TONES EUROPE makes this task effortless. Choose from a diverse selection of sounds, ranging from ultra-silent to lively, to frame your scene perfectly.

    Additionally, the 3D SURROUND edition includes stereo versions of all files, providing convenience and flexibility for projects that don’t require surround sound. Explore the depth and richness of European room tones with ROOM TONES EUROPE today.

  • Room ambiences of Europe
  • Clean and production ready
  • 238 Files
  • WAV – 24bit – 96kHz
  • MAC

    OS X

    Disk98 GB





    Disk98 GB


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