
  • Blue Cat’s Late Replies is a versatile delay plugin with a unique architecture that allows for infinite expansion by hosting third-party plugins. It offers 29 built-in effects for manipulation, along with an integrated ducker and side-chain input for effortless ducking effects. With hundreds of presets and both “easy” and “full edit” modes, it provides complete control over the signal chain. Enhanced features like plug-in oversampling and custom color assignment ensure a seamless user experience.


Flexible Tap Pattern and Feedback Loops

Featuring an 8-taps pattern section with an integrated mixer and plugin slots, as well as two feedback loops with crossfeed and plugin slots, Late Replies offers a comprehensive platform for constructing intricate delay effects with precise control over each component.

Versatile Delay with Built-in and Third-Party Effects Support

Blue Cat's Late Replies serves as a powerful delay, reverb, and multi-effects plugin, offering extensive flexibility for shaping your audio. It seamlessly integrates built-in effects alongside third-party VST, VST3, or AU plugins, allowing for endless sonic possibilities.

Dual User Interface for Easy Editing and Full Control

Late Replies offers a dual user interface, allowing users to quickly browse and edit presets in "easy mode," or delve deeper into the full editor for complete control over delays, reverbs, and effects. This flexibility enables both beginners and experienced users to achieve their desired sound with ease.

Comprehensive Built-In Effects

With 30 built-in effects including EQ, filters, pitch and frequency shifters, modulation effects, compressors, gates, bit crushers, and wave shapers, Late Replies provides a wealth of tools for further manipulating delay lines and crafting unique audio textures.

  • Powerful delay with built-in effects and third party plug-ins support.
  • 8 taps pattern section with integrated mixer and plug-ins slots.
  • 2 feedback loops with crossfeed and plug-ins slots.
  • 30 built-in effects: EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
  • Dual user interface: browse and quick-edit presets in easy mode, or create your own delays and reverb with the full editor.
  • Supports third party VST, VST3 and Audio Unit plug-ins, with latency compensation.
  • Tempo/Host Synchronization.
  • Global stereo spread control.
  • Several hundreds of fully editable presets.
  • Integrated ducking, with internal and external side chain.
  • Comprehensive visual feedback with detailed impulse response display.
  • Protect your ears with the included feedback and output brickwall limiters.
  • No latency.
  • MAC

    OS X Mac OS 10.9 or newer( An Intel or Apple Silicon processor)

    PluginsVST-2, VST-3, AU, AAX




    Windows Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.( An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer).)

    PluginsVST-2, VST-3, AAX


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